Nicole Ohnesorge
The flying traveller
- Dance
- Storytelling
The ambition to dance grew in Nicole from a very early age – she started ballet when she was just five years old. A life long desire to travel and dance the prestigious houses of the world was awakened when the seven year old ballet student had her stage debut. An interest in American tap would follow, but it was the love and passion for Irish dance that would take her to exotic places and stages throughout the world. As an eighteen year old dancer the dreams of travel and adventure started to come true when she became part of the show „Flames of the Dance“.
Success at national and international championships would follow when Nicole won first place at the German Championships, second place at the European Championships and the third place at the World Championships. But more challenges and excitement would wait for the young dancer and in 2010 she became part of the show „Magic of the Dance“ which brought her to famous houses like the Old Opera in Frankfurt and Berlin’s Friedrichstadtpalast.
Later she was assigned the main role of the „She-Devil“, making a further dream come true. But Nicole became not only a successful dancer, but also a dance instructor: She would train the MDR German Ballet group, the comedian Sascha Grammel and work in her own dance school Tap Connection Berlin.
Today she performs with „Cornamusa – World of Pipe Rock and Irish Dance“ where she can not only show her talent as a performer but also as a choreographer. And even the smallest stage can be a big one when she stands in star violinist Daniel Hope’s living room to be part of the ARTE programme „Europe@Home“ in March 2021.